New! At Madrid Solo & Surprise!

Hello all you cosmetic fiends! 🙂 It’s almost October and you know what that means! Yes! Halloween and all things Halloweeny! So to get a jump on things I’ve placed my first three new October Series items out in the store today!

And I have a surprise! All three of the new October series have not only my very first eye designs but Mesh eyes as well! Each pack includes an eye alpha in case you need it, and the eyes have a re-sizer in them in case you want to make the entire eye either larger or smaller. There is in the bag with this information also.

First up is Broken Doll and this design was requested by AnabelleLilith Resident from my suggestion box and since it was her idea, she gets the pack freeeeeee! You can get a free design if you make a suggestion, put in my suggestion box and IF I create it, you not only get the credit you get the design for freeee!

Broken Doll includes two design styles, Mesh eyes and regular eyes.

Broken Doll

Broken Doll

Next is a very creepy design called Zipper Face. Included with this are three versions of the design, Mesh eyes with 3 sizes of Iris, and the regular eyes.

Zipper Face

Zipper Face


Last but not least is another creepy Halloween themed design called Sorrow. Included in the pack are the Mesh eyes and the regular eyes!

Madrid Solo- Sorrow